Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Produce Picks 3/26/13: Kale and Strawberries

Sometimes it’s easier to get someone to eat their veggies if you combine them with some fruit.  This week at Aldi you can get a pound of strawberries for $1.49.  Add to those strawberries some curly kale from the Farmers Market for $1.25 a bunch and a few more ingredients and you’re ready for some nutrient rich yumminess.

Kale Salad With Strawberries    

Salad Ingredients:1 bunch of curly kale
8 oz. strawberries
¼ c pine nuts (may substitute slivered or shaved almonds, walnuts or any other nut that moves you)
¼ c olive oil
2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
Juice from 1 lemon
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
½ tsp. cracked black pepper
Sea salt to taste
2 tbsp. diced shallot (may substitute red onion)

De-vein kale (remove kale leaves from stems) and cut or tear the leaves into ½ inch pieces. 

Slice strawberries and set to the side.

Place the pine nuts in a small skillet and toast them over medium heat for a few minutes.  Be sure to shake or stir them around and watch them so that they do not burn.  You will want to remove them and set them to the side when you see that they are turning a richer brown.
Dice shallot and set to the side.
In a bowl, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon.  Add balsamic vinegar, pepper, olive oil, and sea salt to bowl and whisk until the vinaigrette emulsifies.  Lastly, add the shallots to the vinaigrette. 
Drizzle the vinaigrette on the kale and toss.  Add sliced strawberries to the salad and sprinkle the pine nuts on top.
Serve to someone who is afraid to eat their greens and pat yourself on the back.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Budget Friendly Organic Veggies: Green Door Gourmet CSA

Spring is right around the corner and that means CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) time is coming.  I wanted to highlight my favorite produce provider Green Door Gourmet.  If you have been looking to eat organic vegetables but have been unable to fit them in your budget, then this CSA is the way to go.

What is great about CSAs is that you support local farmers and can get a crap ton of fruit and vegetables that are in season at a really low price.  All CSAs work differently but Green Door Gourmet is unique because you do not have to join the CSA for the whole season.  You can choose on a week-by-week basis whether you would like to buy a box of healthy goodies.  Green Door Gourmet gives you 3 options: $20  for a box of fruit and veggies (and generally other goodies such as jams, jellies, herbs, etc) that would feed two people for the week, $40 for a larger box to feed a family, and a "pack your own box" which is priced based on the items you include.

Believe me when I tell you, you really get a TON of ORGANIC produce.  $10 a person for fruit and organic veggies for the week?  YES PLEASE!

I also highly recommend that you take advantage of the activities they have at the farm which include farm tours, seminars on farming and food, and activities for children.  They are located in west Nashville not far from Charlotte Pike at 7011 River Road Pike, Nashville, TN 37209.

Be sure to check them out at http://www.greendoorgourmet.com/home and https://www.facebook.com/GreenDoorGourmet.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hey Sugar Junkie: Fresh Fruit Edition

So often I see people who decide that they are going to "get healthy" and "lose weight" and the first thing they do is start loading up with excessive amounts of fruit. What makes matters worse is when you have multi-million dollar "weight loss" companies like Weight Watchers telling people they can eat unlimited fruit on their diet plans.



Now don't get me wrong, fruit has amazing vitamins and nutrients that benefit your health.  It's great to eat fruit for a functional purpose like having it with your breakfast for an energy boost to start your day or using it to recover after some grueling exercise activity. However, you are not benefiting yourself by eating excess amounts of it.

Things to consider:

1. Your body is going to use the fruit as an energy source first instead of targeting the excess fat you are trying to lose.
2. Your body is going to have an insulin response (though not as great as when you eat refined sugar but it will happen) and insulin is a storage hormone.
3. When you don't use the excess sugar, your body is going to store it.

If you're a regular Joe (which you probably are) you sit behind a desk all day and you don't have a need for excess sugar.

Now before you start with the argument "but it's only (insert some magic number) calories" know that you can't just look at your calories.  You have to look at how your body reacts to certain foods and the hormones that are released.  After you eat fruit the insulin in your body is going to scream STORE, STORE, STORE to all that SUGAR.

If you're a sugar junkie who desires to lose excess fat and you're eating excessive amounts of fruit (and hiding behind the guise of "being healthy" because you aren't eating a pint of ice cream ) I need you to do the following:

1.  Get a measuring cup.
2.  Fill it to the top with fruit. (This is your MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE for the day.)
3.  Pour the fruit out on a plate to see what it looks like.  (It looks a lot different from the picture posted and the plates you have been creating for yourself doesn't it???)

Hey Sugar Junkie: Bread Edition

This is for all you (bread) lovers out there. Going carb free can be tough. Why are so many good things made with bread? Fortunately with the right knowledge, guilt-free carbs can be enjoyed. This isn't going to be easy. Put on your detective hats and start reading the back of packaging. Food companies are good for loading the front with flashy words that for the most part are half truths and one thing an old professor taught me is a half truth is a lie.

This is how it's meant to be. Rolling meadows, amber waives and Americana. That's the picture food companies want you to imagine. And if you see whole grains, that's what you're getting. They're nutrient dense, full of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Look for 100% whole grain on the front (and back)
Including wheat, brown rice, oats or corn, whole grains can be a mix of those, or solely one (ex. whole grain oats). Natural grains have a low glycemic index. Because it's natural, it takes longer to digest, meaning a slower conversion to sugar. Once grains start getting processed/bleached, only starch (which your body treats like sugar) remains. They are easier to digest, becoming sugar faster. #WonderbreadMakesYouFat

Things to watch out for!

1.Whole wheat is not the same (the half truths I was telling you about). This is the biggest doozy of them all. Wheat is a grain yes, but it can be processed. Whole wheat can mean we refined (which is bad) the grains, but kept it brown so you think it's healthy. Half the nutrients are gone.

2. Multigrain, please refer to number one. Wheat plus oats, but again they kept it brown.

3. Made with whole grains. This is the same as made with 'real' fruit juice. If I squeeze a lemon into a gallon of chemicals made to taste like lemonade, that friends is not lemonade. The same applies to made with whole grain.

Again this is just information to help you make better choices. You don't have to give up great pizza or spaghetti (all the above applies to pasta) for the rest of your life.  However at least empower yourself with knowledge, so you know what you're getting yourself into.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To Yolk It Or Not?

The debate continues. It's easy to be scared by the cholesterol and fat content of egg yolks. Add to that the cool factor of ordering the egg white omelet at Sunday brunch and you can see why yolks are catching a bad rap. A couple facts to be aware of.

1. The yolk contains the majority of the nutrients compared to egg whites.  When you ditch the yolk you lose half the protein, essentially all the Folate, Vitamins (B12, D etc.) and Calcium.  If you splurged on the expensive (Egglands Best) eggs, you tossed all the omega 3's as well.

2. Not all cholesterol is the same.  Most dietary (natural cholesterol) is good for you.  Google the difference between LDLs and HDLs.  Most studies show eggs raise HDLs in healthy, active people.  When you eat nutrient dense food your body responds by making less of what you're taking in.  Eat 'Good' fats (ex. Avocados) and your body decreases fat production.  The same can be said for eggs and their cholesterol content.

Keep everything in moderation.  An egg yolk (or two) in your omelet is beneficial.  You've been sleeping (fasting) 6-8 hours, whether training or not.  Give your body some protein, good carbs and good fats.  If you have the extra cash, opt for omega 3 enhanced eggs.  Also free range hens produce healthier eggs higher in omega 3's.

Free Fitness: Wow Nutrition

Wow Nutrition (2221 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN) is beginning a 4 week fitness series with classes and evaluations beginning on March 30th. You can check them out at https://www.facebook.com/events/543449069010689/. Did I mention it's FREE. Oh yes, I did.

Their page provides the following information :

"This is a FREE group provided by the Teams at WOW! Nutrition to help educate the community on Health & Wellness and to come together for a common purpose...to get healthy in a fun, encouraging, positive environment, with a group of supportive team members and coaches.

WHO CAN JOIN: All ages, shapes, sizes, and fitness levels are encouraged to join and participate. Participants will be divided will be divided into groups based on their current physical abilities and will work progressively at their pace, until they are ready to advance.

WHEN: Schedule is on Nashville 24 Fit Club meetup calendar. Classes will meet Monday-Friday @ 6:00 am - 7:00 am. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Saturday 9 am - 10 am.

WHAT YOU WILL GAIN: You will gain strength, endurance, stamina, as you are moving towards a total body transformation. You will gain confidence, mental strength, support, belief in who you are and what you are able to accomplish, incredible bonding, friendships, and of course...FUN!

REQUIREMENTS: In order to join the Nashville 24 Fit Club Challenge - You must meet with your coach during the Body Composition Testing time frame - Thursday, March 14 from 5pm-7:30pm or Friday, March 15 from 5pm-7:30pm - to get STARTING Weight, Measurements, Body Scan, and Photo.

You must complete an up-to-date Body Scan and Health Evaluation with your Coach.
You MUST attend the Beginning Physical Assessment on March 30, Day #3 on April 5, & last day (Final Physical Assessment)
You must attend 2 weekly classes to participate in the Nashville 24 Fit Challenge - there are no penalties, but commit for you own good and results!"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Produce Picks 3/11/13: Cabbage, Carrots and Onions

Every week Aldi has Produce Picks of the Week which are sales for fresh produce.  They are ridiculously cheap.  I always buy something from the produce picks and will regularly post ways you can prepare them.

Today I bought a head of cabbage for $0.69, 2 pounds of carrots for $0.49 and 3 pounds of onions for $0.69.  With a few more ingredients you can have a delicious and healthy dish.


2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of ground cumin
1 teaspoon of tumeric
1/2 of an onion sliced
1 large jalepeno pepper diced
2 carrots peeled and cut into small sticks
3 cups of cabbage that has been shredded or thinly sliced
Sea salt to taste


1.  Prepare your veggies (shred or slice the cabbage, cut the carrots, slice the onion, and dice the jalepeno pepper).

2.  Over medium heat, heat the oil in a pan.  Then add the onions.  Cook the onions a few minutes until they get soft and start to turn translucent.

3.  Add carrots, jalepeno pepper, cumin and tumeric to the pan.  Cook covered for about 5 minutes until the carrots start to soften.  Stir occasionally.

4.  Add cabbage and salt to pan and mix together all ingredients.  Cook covered for 7-12 minutes until cabbage is soft.  Stir occasionally.

5.  Eat without guilt.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Move your body. Eat your veggies. Know your worth.

Like you, I am constantly searching for ways to look and feel better in my body.  The three most frequent reasons I hear that people are deterred from living a healthier lifestyle is that they lack the money, time and motivation to do so.  I want to combat this mindset by increasing your knowledge base of practical ways you can lead a healthier lifestyle while still being mindful of a tight budget.

In short, I want to help you to:




Fitness does not have to be a luxury. JOIN THE STAY FIT CREW!

It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves AND EACH OTHER.  I am building a crew of like minded people who want to help each other achieve a healthier lifestyle.  

How can you further the mission of the the STAY FIT CREW?  By choosing a level on which you want to participate.  You can participate by:

1.  Following The STAY FIT CREW: You can follow this  blog, the Facebook page (Stay Fit Crew) and Twitter page (Twitter:Stay Fit Crew) (@stayfitcrew).

2.  Sharing Your Knowledge:  I will consistently communicate with you about healthier food options and activities you can do at home and in the community that won't make your wallet bleed.  In return, share this knowledge with others and share your knowledge with the crew.

3.  Donating To The STAY FIT CREW: Do you have exercise equipment you are no longer using, space available for people to engage in exercise activities, or money you want to give to help facilitate the fitness goals of others?  If so, donate them to the STAY FIT CREW.  

Contact me via email at stayfitcrew@gmail.com if you would like to donate equipment or space.  Financial donations may be directed to the following site: Go Fund Me:Stay Fit Crew 

 Additionally, if you know someone looking for fitness equipment then make these needs known to the crew.

4.  Seeking Personal Coaching:  If you are interested in personal coaching to help you achieve your fitness goals, my services are available.  Please contact me via email at stayfitcrew@gmail.com for pricing and scheduling.  

I'm excited about our more fit future!

Your Crew Captain,

Emmaly Carr